The joys of outdoor low voltage lighting in your garden

Outdoor lighting is a fantastic way to bring your garden to life when the sun goes down, if used with a little thought it really can bring plants and features to life after dark.

With low voltage lighting your choice is as vast as you can imagine and without the danger of high voltage cables, or the rather poor display that solar lights produce.

When choosing your lights give a thought to what it is you want to achieve, for example uplighting plants or do you want to light pathways.

When uplighting plants it is always better to go for the spot lights that have a halogen bulb fitted as this will produce the strongest light thereby giving the most dramatic effect. Trees for example can look fantastic if they are up lighted, with some thought it is possible to place the light in the crown of the tree to produce a good effect.

Pathways can be highlighted with the use of bollard type lights that use LED bulbs and decking can be transformed with the use of the small led lights that can be sunk into the wood work.

It is vital that you choose the correct transformer for your lights and the amount of lights you have.

the way to do this is to add up the total wattage of all your lights then choose the transformer that meets that requirement i.e. 80 watts of output would require a 100 watt transformer.

It is worth knowing that the 100 transformer has two out put connections so it is possible to run two cables in different directions.

Garden Plants Online are always happy to guide you through so that you can have a system that best suits your needs.

Garden Lighting

Halogen — these will tend to have 20W bulbs and therefore you will have less per transformer,

the following are halogen a transformer can only support the total of all the lights wattage

added up ie 5 x 20 watt bulbs = 100 W therefore you need a 100Watt transformer – the following

are halogen lights

  • Melbourne
  • Luxform uplighter
  • Brisbane
  • Rock light

It is also always better to advise the thicker SPT 3 cable with halogen along with the cable

connectors that have a wider slot for the thick cable ie SPT -3 > SPT-1 these com in pack of two and

are priced at 2.99


The rest of the lights are led and as such are between 1.5W and 5W the same is true with regard

to selecting the correct transformer, add up the wattage of each light and you will then arrive

at the transformer needed. It would alway be better to allow a larger transformer thus allowing

customer to add more lights.

The cable with the lcd lights is SPT 1 with no need for different connectors as these are all

included in the box.

A point to remember is that after a run of 30m power will drop off.

Also keep in mind that a 100W transformer has two output sockets thereby allowing two main

cables to go of in different directions.

Gardening Jobs for May

Gardening jobs for May

It is now starting to warm up and the sap is beginning to rise and the garden is coming to life after an overlong winter. So lets get out there and do some gardening . Here at Garden Plants Online we have a good list of things for you to do

Its time to knock some of those shrubs in to order, if your forsythia has finished flowering you can prune this back to the shape and size you want it. You may also prune back Buddleia ( this can be cut back by a third ) also the cornus may also be pruned back. With cornus the harder they are pruned the better the stem colour next winter

Now the soil has started to warm up you can plant a host of plants ( and at we have a host of plants to delight you ) including sweet peas dahlias and all shrubs.

The worst thing about this time of the year is that the weeds start growing, so if you get on top of them as they rear their ugly little heads then you will win the battle. You could to help keep down the weeds and keep in the moisture mulch your beds ( depth of mulch should be 2 )

A general clean up of all your plants, cut out the dead wood and take off the dead leaves, if you have any rose bushes prune them back and make sure they are firm. Also you can sow half hardy bedding plants.

Have a look at your lawn, and if needed give it a cut but not to low and tidy up the edges, ifYour feeling keen give it a good going over with a lawn rake.

Water Irrigation Systems


Garden Plants Online are now able to offer a full range of irrigation solutions that are able to cater for the small patio garden to the larger mature garden. All the equipment that we have listed on Irrigation section is designed to be simple to use and effective in its use. Garden Plants on line are able to draw on extensive knowledge of irrigation and also of the Claber brand this in turn enables us to fully understand your needs. To offer the complete service and peace of mind we are able to determine the correct amount of fittings and equipment you need for your project all we need to know is the area or length and width of the boarders you wish to irrigate. To plan your project with the least amount of trouble please contact us at info@plantsandtreesonline.

Why use irrigation

The basic fact is that plants in the garden are a created landscape and due to the fact that new plants often get added, plants need to get established and a steady supply of water delivered to the base and root zone of the plant is the best method to ensure healthy and even growth .

Drip Irrigation offers an effective and cost efficient water delivery method to ensure that not one drop of water is wasted. If you consider that only 1% of the worlds’ water is usable for everyday use then it becomes even more clear that we must use this resource in an effective way.

Water companies are now seeing that drip irrigation is so much more effective than the traditional point and spurt of the hose pipe and indeed are starting to remove timed drip irrigation from hose pipe bans.

The other major saving will be noted in the lower cost of your water bills.

Effective but basic

The most basic yet effective product we supply is known as seep hose. This is a porous hose that is simple to connect and can lay on top of the soil or be laid in a trench when planting a hedge for example. Seep hose comes in 15m and 25m lengths . Easy to use and cost effective, for even more control you can add a Claber water timer.

How to Care for Dwarf Bamboo Plants


How to care for dwarf bamboo plants

Dwarf bamboo plants are much sought-after because of their beauty and ease with which they grow. They are both ornamental and incredibly versatile. Bamboo plants come in a variety of species and colours for example, dwarf bamboo, majestic black bamboo, golden bamboo and so on.

However, as they are sensitive to water and light conditions, they do require some care and attention.

Easy tips to care for dwarf bamboo:

  • Dwarf bamboo plants are sensitive to water and moisture. They must be planted in moist but well-drained soil.

  • These plants are also light-sensitive, therefore should be ideally grown in locations that are either shaded partially or are sunny.

  • Dwarf bamboo grows fast and poses a risk of aggressive growth. The plants must be pruned and the ground mowed regularly once a year or two.

  • Create a deep barrier around the root of the plants so they grow in a more controlled manner.

  • Cutting dwarf bamboo all the way to the ground subsequently results in more dense growth.

We offer you a brilliant range of bamboo plants for sale, starting from the very special dwarf bamboo to various gorgeous varieties like long leaf bamboo, dwarf greenstripe bamboo, dwarf fernleaf bamboo and many more. Simple click here to order plants online in the UK!

Five Fantastic Benefits of our Garden Irrigation Systems

Five Fantastic Benefits of our Garden Irrigation Systems
Do you love your garden, and enjoy keeping it beautiful and healthy? We thoroughly enjoy the look of a lush green and well-maintained garden. Now the most important aspect of keeping your garden beautiful is of course, Irrigation. Whether you have a little patio garden or a large garden, you are perhaps looking for a solution that would take care of your garden and also pay attention to judicious water consumption!

Well, look no further! We have a brand new range of garden irrigation systems to suit your individual requirement.

Basically, we have three categories of irrigation systems:



Drip irrigation

Whilst all our products are of superior quality, here are Five Fantastic benefits:

Unique Irrigation Design Service to ensure that the system is tailor-made to suit your requirements

Two-way timer (to create different irrigation zones) and single timer facility

Ease of operation as simple as turning a tap on!

Optimised water usage (eg, drip irrigation vis-a-vis traditional hose pipe)

Reputed brand We have teamed up with Claber to offer you superior smart irrigation solutions

To place your order online, please check here to check our range of irrigation solutions.

Luxform Lighting for your Garden

Recently clocks have turned forward by an hour, and every day gets dark sooner. This may be a problem if you like getting around your back yard!

We provide different lighting solutions for your garden at supportable prices:

Luxform Melbourne Low Voltage Garden Spot Light: 10.83

Luxform Uplight 25.83

Luxform Europa LED Spotlight: 34.16

Luxform Hobart Small: 40.83

If you don’t know which is the best combination according to your plants we have a group of specialist designers that will provide with different ideas and the best arrangement for your patio, send an email to our group of designers at we can help inspire the best arrangement for your garden.

How to prune a lucky bamboo plant?

The bamboo lucky plant requires less maintenance than other houseplants but you need to keep it looking and pruning the bamboo interior plant from time to time. When you are pruning the bamboo plant is not only about the maintenance of the attractiveness of the bamboo. Pruning also serves to limit the size of the plant. If you don’t cut it occasionally the bamboo it will grow too much to keep inside of your house.


  • you must cut every cane that looks thinner than the others or that is faded or has a wrinkled appearance, to remove cut with a sharp knife directly from the ground.

  • Cut the top of any cane to grow too high. When cutting the top of a reed, do it directly above the knot.

  • Pruning any branch of the reeds that wilted or dead, or just look unattractive.

  • Design the top of the reeds in the way you want. Branch should not be removed for the health of the plant, beyond those that are dead or dying.

Chaenomeles japonica

Chaenomeles japonica


Chaenomeles Japonica is a small, deciduous shrub that is growing up to 100cm tall and 200cm broad. It has amazing bright orange flowers, yellow green pomes and its foliage color is dark green. It is a very hardy flower that everyone can have in his garden.

Growing Tips

It can grow up either to a partly or a fully location. It does not need a lot of watering. The best period to plant it is before autumn.


Chaenomeles japonica or Japanese Quince is used into several forms of medicine. Its cough and cold cure and its immune stimulant property are two of these medicinal forms. Its fruit can be cooked in honey and create a medicinal liquor.

To find our more view the Chaenomeles japonica product page.

5 Horror Movies Reimagined with Trees

5 Horror Movies Reimagined with Trees

We’ve already brought you a list of 8 horror movies starring trees and plants. Here, we consider how a few classic (tree-less) horror films would work with trees replacing the main adversaries in them.

1. Alien (1979)

So instead of the eponymous Alien, you have a huge, angry tree chasing down the crew of the Nostromo. Although the tree might be able to keep his prey encapsulated in that gooey stuff, it’s highly unlikely he’d be able to navigate the walls of the spaceship with quite the same level of stealth as the Alien.

Originals 1, Trees 0

2. Paranormal Activity (2007)

The plot of this film is basically: happy couple moves into new home. Things go bump in the night. They film what happens when they sleep. Things get increasingly weird before a bloody finale. A deft combination of trees and wind could quite easily scare this couple senseless in my eyes, and its branches could attack them through windows that they have smashed. This film would work with a demonic tree.

Originals 1, Trees 1

3. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)

So instead of “Leatherface,” and his creepy chums chasing the young Americans around with a chainsaw, we have a tree hell bent on dismembering them prior to eating them. Here I think the original cannot be replaced by a tree. For one, I’m slightly dubious as to the idea of a tree handling a chainsaw. “Texas Branch Massacre,” doesn’t quite have the same ring to it. For two, the amount of chasing and escaping in this film really do require enemies who can run fast, which trees struggle with at the best of times.

Originals 2, Trees 1

4. The Hills Have Eyes (2006)

This one is about radioactive mutants who attack an American family in the hills. Radioactive trees doesn’t really work quite in the same way, and nor could they live in the same hill – holes, because they need sunlight for photosynthesis.

Originals 3, Trees 1

5. 28 Days Later (2002)

If trees could walk, it’s highly unlikely that they could manage anything faster than the iconic zombie shuffle. If trees used their branches much like zombies use their hands – to tear uninfected humans from limb to limb, you’re approaching a pretty accurate reworking of the zombie film genre. Night of the Living Dead becomes Night of the Angry Trees, and 28 Days Later becomes 28 Oak Trees Later.

Final score: Originals 3, Trees 2


Most genuine horror movies involving trees and plants centre around the premise of vengeful trees wanting to make humanity pay for polluting the environment. Occasionally there’s a bit of black magic thrown in, but for all intents and purposes, that’s pretty much it for the tree horror genre. Although trees could substitute zombies and paranormal/ occult stories, they’re quite a limp replacement for the majority of aliens, mutant savages, vampires, ghosts and violent psychos who make up a huge portion of the horror movie cannon. Leave trees out of horror films, they’re a lot better at producing oxygen. Otherwhise you end up with films like The Ruins…

Trees can talk

Trees can talk?

So these days it’s common knowledge that trees have the ability to move (albeit very slowly and very slightly). We recently came across this video featuring Canadian Doctor, Suzanne Simard, who argues that trees are interconnected through a deep, expansive and complex root network, through which they communicate. Unfortunately, this is not something that can be definitively proved by science, so it’s up to you to decide if you choose to believe that trees are in a constant flux of communication, supported through the “Mother Trees.”

Holm Oak

Holm Oak

holm oak

In a previous article we mentioned the native of Holm Oak (or Quercus Ilex), the care that it needs and some of its uses. This is an article about the medicinal properties of Holm Oak.

The medicinal identity of the Holm Oak comes from its wealth in tannins, especially its acid. Tannins plays a significant role in accelerating the wound healing and stopping the flow of bleeding. Additionally, many people use tannins as a herbal medicine for external use. Some other treatments that Holm Oak can provide are the following:

  • Eczemas: The external use of the preparation of Holm Oak helps to dry up the affected areas.
  • Sore throat and Pharyngitis: The decoction, which is made for the bark of the plant, reduce the throat inflammation.
  • Wounds: As we mentioned before this plant has the ability to stop bleeding and to disinfect wounds.
  • Indigestions: The preparations of Holm Oak can help to digest the food better.