How To Care For A Tuscan Olea Europea Tree

The Olea Europea is an evergreen treed native to the Mediterranean region. This tree is loved for its gorgeous accent. Its leaves are leathery, shiny and green-grayish in color. Its branches are contorted. The tree thrives in warmer areas not less than 30 degrees Fahrenheit. When planting this tree, make sure you keep it in mind that you need to plant it at an ideal site. It remains important to prune it and have a water cycle for it.

The trees need to be planted in soils with good drainage. It is important that you protect it from too much wind. The roots are not known to go deep enough into the soil and it could risk toppling over when exposed to extreme elements. Many trees should be planted at least 20 feet apart. To add to that, allow not less than 50 feet headroom. The average height of the tree is between 30 and 50 feet.

The trees can resist a lot of wind, drought as well as frost. It could be possible to use the wood for making furniture. The fully-grown tree has a neat shape and a very dense crown. The trees could cover an area of nine meters. It has tiny white to greenish flowers with a light scent. The fruit is also tiny and round with little flesh. When ripe, they turn purple to black.

The fruits are loved by animals as well as people. It also has medicinal advantages. It is mostly used in treating conditions such as high blood pressure and makes eye lotion. Diarrhea is also treatable with its extracts. It produces wood products like ornaments, furniture, fencing posts as well as spoons. Its ripe fruit could be used to make ink. Make sure that your tree is planted near a water source.

The tree is an impressive source of shade for plants in the garden especially if because of its evergreen qualities. All you should do is to propagate the seeds in the rich river sand. You could also use the cuttings from the hardwood and remember to include a rooting hormone. Never plant your trees near walls, patios or pools. The root system has a tendency to be aggressive.

The plant requires a lot of compost. Mulching using organic materials like dried leaves will be vital to avoid extreme loss of water. All through the year, the watering should be done moderately. Grow the plant in fertile, well-drained soils. A poor drainage could result in rotting of the root system that will reduce the function and structure of the whole tree.

When the tree has established well, you will not need to water it since it resists drought. There are no common pests with this plant. It is however possible for it to contract diseases that include Verticillium wilt, which causes branches to fall and leaves to shrivel. It is also common for the Olive tree to develop a fungal infection that results in rotting roots.

During feeding of the Olea Europea make sure that, you use a fertilizer that is high in nitrogen. Make sure you water it well throughout the year until you realize new growth. Pruning shears will come in handy when removing sick, dead or broken branches. It is also a good idea to prune back any awkward branches during its dormant season. This allows penetration of air and sunlight. In addition, get rid of the suckers as well.

The Adaptable Trachelospermum Jasminoides Will Enhance Your Garden

Trachelospermum Jasminoides is the Latin name for a most attractive, evergreen climber. It is commonly known as the star jasmine, although it does not belong to the Jasminum genus. It is a member of the dogbane family and is related instead to the frangipani, carissa, mandevilla and catharanthus. Although classed as a climber, this is a very versatile plant.

Other common names are Confederate jasmine or trader’s compass. The name Confederate Jasmine came about because it is suitable for the United States Gardening Zones 8 to 10. This area is often referred to as the Confederate States of America. The other common name, Trader’s Compass, relates to an Uzbekistan belief that the plant pointed traders in the right direction but only if they were reputable people.

It is native to the woodlands of China, Japan, Korea and India. The star jasmine has become a favorite in domestic and public gardens throughout the world. The glossy leaves are dark green. They are oval in shape and quite pointed at the ends. In summer the creeper is smothered in star-shaped white flowers. These are highly perfumed.

The flowers have five petals and are one to two centimeters in diameter. The plant flowers well in sun or shade but can be slow to become established. Once it has its roots firmly settled it tends to stray and can reach heights of 6 to 9 meters. It isn’t hard to keep under control if it is pruned back after flowering. Stray tendrils can be trimmed off at any time.

The star jasmine is a great addition to pergolas, walls and verandas. It will twine and climb over almost anything, hiding tree trunks or softening the appearance of bare walls. If you don’t need a climber, it makes a lovely groundcover or spill-over plant. It also makes a very fragrant hedge. Another use for Trachelospermum Jasminoides is as an edging for a garden or as topiary specimens.

Not content with being a climber and ground cover, it will thrive in containers. They are a lovely indoor plant and grow well in a greenhouse situation, especially in cold areas. As long as they get some sun through the winter, they will produce fragrant blooms in summer and autumn.

They prefer well-drained soils which contain some organic matter. Once established they are reasonably drought tolerant. Although they are susceptible to frost they will grow in light to heavy soils. There are a few cultivars but they don’t seem as vigorous in their growth patterns as the parent. One has a variegated creamy-white leaf and another, Tricolor, has pink tinges in new growth. The Variegatum cultivar has leaves with white margins.

Valuable oil is distilled from the flowers and used in high quality perfumes. In Asian cultures, the tinctured flowers are used in incense-making. Homeopathic sources state that the plant has a use in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and other complaints. The stems of Trachelospermum Jasminoides are used for bast fiber, similar to that obtained from flax or hemp. This may be used in high-quality textiles as well as in rope, carpet, sacks, paper, burlap and similar products.

Why Trachelospermum Jasminoides Is A Great Garden Performer

Gardeners who make space for a Trachelospermum Jasminoides among their borders will not regret it. This delightful and obliging plant will brighten up awkward spots, never fearing to grow where other plants wither. Usually referred to by its common name, Star Jasmine, this plant is a great performer that is truly deserving of its title.

The Star Jasmine is a member of the large and varied Apocynaceae family. It hails originally from South East Asia, but is happy to put down roots in any sufficiently clement climate. Conservationists often frown upon this exuberant plant. They view it as an unruly invasive species. However, this does not stop gardeners from loving it, and there is a good reason for that.

These attractive climbing vines give a year round display of glossy green foliage, supplying welcome color during the dormant season. When in flower, the show of delicate tubular blooms can be breathtaking. They are most highly prized, however, for their heavenly scent. The fragrance appeals not only to humans, but will act as a powerful magnet to beneficial garden wildlife, such as pollinating bees.

Once established, the Star Jasmine will grow vigorously. It will quickly smother unsightly fences and walls. It will scramble up pillars and pergolas. It will trail gracefully from large containers. It will not sulk, as many other plants do, when planted beneath a tree, but instead provide mounds of pleasing ground cover. The versatility of this plant is undeniable.

It is best to plant the vines in a neutral soil, but they will cope with a small degree of acidity or alkalinity. The roots are happiest in a rich, but free-draining loam. Given a sunny aspect they will grow strongly, but also do surprisingly well in partially shaded areas. The blooms, as is the case with many white flowers, actually show up better when not exposed to strong sunlight. They benefit from regular watering and feeding during the growing season. Other than this they are little trouble, and are not prone to attack from pests or disease.

The Star Jasmine is classed as a half-hardy perennial. Therefore it grows best in frost free climates. However, with a little careful planting, gardeners in cooler climates may be able to keep it alive in a sheltered position. West facing walls are often a good place to grow tender plants. Those living in considerably colder zones may consider growing the vine as a glasshouse or conservatory plant.

It is easy to propagate new stock from mature plants. The most reliable method is to take semi-ripe cuttings from shoots that do not bear flowers. This should be kept warm, preferably with bottom heat, until they have rooted. In milder areas it may be possible to collect seed from the pods that form at the end of the season.

Trachelospermum Jasminoides makes few demands upon the gardener once established. So long as it is planted in the right conditions it will flourish for many years, providing fantastic cover, color and fragrance. The Star Jasmine is a top performer that more than earns its place in the garden.

Why Trachelospermum Jasminoides Is A Great Garden All-Rounder

Those fortunate enough to enjoy mild conditions should consider finding space for Trachelospermum Jasminoides in their back yard. These pretty and accommodating climbing vines grow happily in a range of horticultural settings. Better known as the Star Jasmine, this plant will steal the limelight and outshine many other garden favorites.

This member of the Milk Thistle family originates from South East Asia. However, it will thrive anywhere where local climate will allow it. Often it is so successful on foreign soils that it is regarded as an invasive thug that crowds out more delicate native species. Nevertheless, this reputation has done nothing to dent its popularity with gardeners who admire it greatly.

The vines sport handsome, evergreen foliage, which turns a delightful bronze hue as temperatures fall. The blossoming period is brief, but the stunning display of abundant, pretty white flowers more than makes up for this. Their true gift to the gardener, however, is their divine fragrance. Understandably, the plant is prized by perfume makers. It is equally attractive to wildlife and will summon hummingbirds, bees and butterflies from near and afar.

The vigorous climbing habit of this plant makes it ideal for training over arbors, trellises and gazebos. They will grow rapidly to cover up unsightly fences and structures. If planted in large enough containers they will spill and trail with grace. They will gladly provide ground cover beneath trees where other plants fail to grow. It is a very useful garden plant.

The Star Jasmine is best planted in neutral soils, but will tolerate a pH range from 6.1 to 7.8. They like to sink their roots into free draining loamy soils. They should be situated in a sunny location, but can still perform well in a semi-shaded area. In fact shade often shows the white flowers up to better effect. They need to be kept moist throughout the growing season and will benefit from regular feeding with a general purpose plant food. They rarely suffer from pestilence or disease.

Gardeners should be aware that this is a tender plant that can be killed by a heavy frost. Those gardening in cooler zones can get around this by making clever use of micro-climates within the garden. As rapid defrosting causes the greatest cell damage, planting against a west facing wall can protect the plant as it is more likely thaw gradually. In some areas, however, the plant must be confined to a greenhouse or conservatory if it is to survive.

Although they are generally long-lived plants it is wise to propagate new stock from the vine every so often. Semi-ripe cuttings taken from a non-flowering shoot will easily take root in a protective environment. Alternatively, it is possible to collect seeds from the ripe pods later in the season. These can be cleaned and stored until it is time for sowing.

Trachelospermum Jasminoides is an easy and undemanding plant that more than repays the attention given to it. It will grow for many years, bringing pleasure and stirring happy memories. It serves many practical functions within garden design, yet is never anything less than beautiful to behold.

The Versatile And Attractive Cupressus Macrocarpa

Cupressus macrocarpa is probably more commonly known as macrocarpa or Monterey cypress. Goldcrest (Monterey cypress) is one of the striking cultivars developed from Cupressus macrocarpa. There are remnant endemic forests at Carmel and Monterey in California. Forests of the macrocarpa once stretched down the west coast. It is one of the New World cypresses. These are now being reclassified and renamed as Callitropsis macrocarpa.

Although the trees once flourished right down the Californian coast, they are now restricted to two small areas. One is an area in Point Lobos State Reserve. The Del Monte Forest also contains ancient cypress trees. Some of these are estimated at over 2,000 years old. Climatic conditions in these areas include constant fog which comes in off the ocean and cool but humid summers.

IN the United States, the Monterey cypress is also found in western Oregon. It has firmly established itself in New Zealand to the point of becoming naturalized. Great Britain, Ireland and countries around the Mediterranean are also home to this tree. In Kenya it is being trialled as a timber crop. There are many specimens grown along the coast of California where it is just as popular in public parks as it is in suburban gardens.

The ancient coastal trees have gnarled, twisted trunks. They are stunted and flat-topped with wide, spreading crowns. In areas more suited to their culture, heights of 40 meters are not uncommon and diameters may reach nearly 3 meters. They have rough, fibrous bark and bright green foliage carried in dense sprays.

The cypress has a number of uses. It makes a good windbreak and shelter tree when grown in belts or rows. In New Zealand the timber is used for fence posts. An absence of native diseases in New Zealand gives rise to some of the largest specimens. The leaves have a slight toxicity to livestock and can cause abortion in cattle. Craftspeople, boat builders and furniture makers have high regard for the attractive grain and color of the timber. As an ornamental tree it has few peers. As firewood, it burns well and produces good heat. However it is not a good choice for open fires as it produces a lot of sparks.

The ideal environment will be near the coast in areas with cool summers. Hot summers often result in an outbreak of cypress canker. This fungal disease causes the trees to die after a few years. Under natural conditions, the cones open and disperse their seeds during periods of fire although hot summer days sometimes cause the cones to burst. In Point Lobos, treatment with fire is being considered as regeneration is very low.

There are a number of attractive cultivars. Lutea and Goldcrest are both highly regarded for their yellow-green foliage. The latter has been awarded the Award of Golden Merit by the Royal Horticultural Society.

Cultivars may have slightly different forms. Brunniana aurea is conical while Gold Rocket is narrow and erect. A dwarf form is Greenstead Magnificent which has blue-green foliage. Lambertiana aurea is a hardy variety which will grow in poor soil and less than ideal climatic regions. Aurea saligna has long cascades of weeping branches. Cupressus macrocarpa has a number of attractive features.