Holm Oak

Holm Oak

holm oak

In a previous article we mentioned the native of Holm Oak (or Quercus Ilex), the care that it needs and some of its uses. This is an article about the medicinal properties of Holm Oak.

The medicinal identity of the Holm Oak comes from its wealth in tannins, especially its acid. Tannins plays a significant role in accelerating the wound healing and stopping the flow of bleeding. Additionally, many people use tannins as a herbal medicine for external use. Some other treatments that Holm Oak can provide are the following:

  • Eczemas: The external use of the preparation of Holm Oak helps to dry up the affected areas.
  • Sore throat and Pharyngitis: The decoction, which is made for the bark of the plant, reduce the throat inflammation.
  • Wounds: As we mentioned before this plant has the ability to stop bleeding and to disinfect wounds.
  • Indigestions: The preparations of Holm Oak can help to digest the food better.