The Versatility Of Bamboo Dwarf (In Variety) And Bamboo Pseudosasa Japonica

Bamboo is a fast growing plant that offers a variety of uses. The plant makes an attractive and affordable alternative barrier for noise and wind, and provides privacy. To provide a deep green dense foliage, you can choose Bamboo Dwarf (in variety) and Bamboo Pseudosasa Japonica. You will be able to select from several varieties.

You may choose from plants that have already reached thirty feet for immediate planting and privacy. These plants will be a little more expensive with taller varieties costing even more. If you can be patient, any of the varieties will grow to the height you desire.

There are several plants to choose that make attractive natural screens. These fast growing varieties have spreading underground rhizomes. These rhizomes spread out causing the plant to grow into a thick hedge rapidly. When planting you will need to direct the stems using barriers. The spreading stems need to be controlled to prevent them from spreading. Rhizome barriers will confine the plant to a certain area.

If you choose one of the hardy clumping varieties of the plant you will not need to contain the stems with barriers. The clumping type do not have spreading rhizomes so there is no need to control them. It should be noted that they will grow to fifteen feet and need afternoon shade. Because they do not have spreading stems they grow slower and will take longer to develop dense foliage than the rapid growing varieties.

The plants also make excellent sound barriers. The rapid growing varieties are great for creating natural sound barriers. When the plants are between three and eight feet in width they will mask the sound from neighbors, the street, and schools. The plant forms a natural fence that also enhances the landscaping.

In addition to noise and privacy screens, the plants make natural shields against wind. The type of plant you choose will depend on the specific region in which you are living. The different types of wind need to be considered while choosing the plant that you will use. Wind types vary and can be warm and dry, sea breeze, or a winter blustery cold.

Make sure that before you purchase the plants you consider the type of wind that is particular to your area. The species that are best for blocking wind in the Pacific Northwest are the Pseudosasa japonica, Pleioblastus simonii, and Semiarundinaria fastuosa. It is advisable to speak with an expert before planting to make certain that the species you selected if the right one to meet your need.

Bamboo Dwarf (in variety) and Bamboo Pseudosasa Japonica can be used for a number of things. The plants will form natural barriers for wind and noise, and also provide privacy. Make sure to find out which of the species is best for the region in which you live. Also find out how to handle the spreading rhizomes if you choose the fast growing type. After choosing and planting the variety that meets your need, you will be enjoying the beauty of a naturally growing fence.

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