Best Ways To Care For A Tuscan Olea Europea Tree

The evergreen Olea Europea is a tree native to the Mediterranean region. It is widely popular for its attractive accent. The foliage is feathery and grayish-greenish. The branches are gnarled. It is possible to grow this tree in a number of warm climates that do not fall below 30 degrees Fahrenheit. When growing this tree, remember to planting it at an ideal site. Pruning and creating a water cycle is vital.

The tree requires to be planted in a well-drained soil. You should protect it from strong winds. The roots do not grow very deep and could fall over when exposed to extreme elements. Multiple trees should be planted not more than 20 feet apart. As well, be sure to leave at least 50 feet headroom since the average height is 30-50 feet.

The tree is mainly resistant to wind, frost as well as drought. The wood produced can make good furniture. A fully-grown tree is neatly shaped with a dense crown that can grow nine meters wide. The flowers are tiny white to greenish. They have a light scent. Eventually they produce small, round and lightly corpulent fruits that are purple black when ripe.

When planting this tree, ensure you do so near a water source. The fruits are popular with people and animals. The tree also has medicinal value. It can be used to treat high blood pressure and eye lotions. As well, it could be used to treat diarrhea. It also produces a variety of products such as furniture, ornaments, spoons and fencing posts. The fruit juice produces ink.

This tree can make a good shade for plants in the garden especially from its evergreen nature. All you need is to propagate the seeds in river sand. In addition, you could use the hardwood cuttings but remember to use a rooting hormone. Do not plant the tree too close to pools, patios or walls. This is because of the potentially aggressive root system.

The plant needs a lot of compost. Mulching with organic materials such as dried leaves is vital to avoid weeds and loss of water. Throughout the year, you need to keep the watering moderate. It is vital that you plant it in fertile soils that have a good draining. Poor quality drainage may lead to rotting of the roots. Such a problem will reduce the structure and function of the entire tree.

After this tree is established, you do not necessarily have to water it since it is drought tolerant. The plant species do not have any pests that are common to it. It could however suffer from diseases such as Verticillium wilt, which may result with falling branches and shrivelled leaves. What may also affect the common Olive tree is rotting of roots because of a fungal infection.

When feeding the Olea Europea it is vital, you use high-nitrogen fertilizer. Water it well for a year until new growth is evident. Use pruning shears to remove any dead, diseased or broken branches. As well, during its dormant season, prune back any awkward branches to ensure penetration of sunlight and air. Also, remove any forms of suckers.

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